Table of Contents

Hi, I was thinking that after a while of making posts, It might be hard to find some of them so I've decided to make a table of contents. Just click the link of the post you want to see and you will be redirected there...

As I make posts, I will put them on the table of contents...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Article 2 (mysics)

Wow this is like preparing for Math Science Media Monday. Hey I could use this for my Math Science Media Monday. Basically, towers that would normally have internet connection or cellular connection, now have television too so you can now watch all the channels you could on TV but on your cell phone or laptop etc.
 You should care about this topic because it is a major advancement because you can now watch TV any time any place and with no interruptions. They are now selling these USB antennae that allow you to do such an amazing thing. A setback is that it only works with USB ports and not all devices can use it.
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Article 1 (mysics)

Basically, in the medicine field, a drug maker, Eli Lilly, plans to lower the cost of drugs by one billion when 2011 comes, but will need to cut 5,500 jobs. This is a big deal in both good and bad ways. I will lower the price of drugs majorly. However it will also make 5500 people jobless and thus moneyless. As far as I know, nothing is in the way of this topics success.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Time Travelers Essay and Pillar Relections

     For the Time Travelers Project, we had to write a 1.5-2.5 page essay about a topic on a civilization. I also had to paint a section of a pillar describing my pillar in an artistic way. My topic was Science and Technology of Inca.
     I went through many drafts to get to my final draft with my essay. I went through 3 draft sat home, 2 at school and one with my teacher. The first one was at school when I realized I was careless and missed a lot of spelling errors. The second draft was at home when My dad read through my paper and decided that some of my sentences were worded confusingly so I reworded them. My third draft was at home when I added a bibliography to the bottom of my paper. My fourth one was at school when I realized I needed to put footnotes into my paper and make my TEA transitions more apparent. My fifth draft was at home when I decided to have my dad look at my draft one more time. The sixth draft was the one my teacher corrected. My final draft ended up like this:

     On my painting, I tried (and failed) to get it to look like a quintuple exposure (5 related pictures faded onto a background). In stead It looked like a mess since I was doing it in black and white on paper. So I revised it into sections that I thought looked somewhat creative. After painting, It ended up looking like this.

I learned how to use TES transitions in my essays and how not to do a quintuple exposure. A challenge I encountered was trying to make a quintuple exposure. Next time I would probably choose a different subject other than science and technology because I like to try new things. This project will help me later when I write an essay in later grades.

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Semester Goals for Humanities

  1. Find ways to apply words of the day in my everyday speaking
  2. First Step: Try to at least use one word a day.
  3. Improve how I organize my work.
  4. First Step: Get dividers for my binder and put work in my binder rather than in my backpack.
  5. Increase my use of literary devices like focus, showing not telling, and sensory detail
  6. First Step: Look at my old work, my current work and others work and think about how I could improve by seeing examples.

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Semester Goals for Mysics

  1. Find ways to apply what I learn in school to the outside world.
  2. First Step: Ask Mele what the math I am learning is used for. 
  3. Improve how I organize my work.
  4. First Step: Get dividers for my binder and put work in my binder rather than in my backpack. 
  5. Show my work more often.
  6. First Step: Write what is going on in my head as it happens.

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