Table of Contents

Hi, I was thinking that after a while of making posts, It might be hard to find some of them so I've decided to make a table of contents. Just click the link of the post you want to see and you will be redirected there...

As I make posts, I will put them on the table of contents...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Favorite Superhero

My Favorite heros are:

  1. Guybrush Threepwood a mighty pirate
  2. Peppe The headless zombie pirate racoon who eats sawdust
  3. The Prince of Persia

Guybrush Threepwood: A "mighty pirate" who isn't that smart, isn't that strong, and isn't that skillful with weapons. But things somehow always work out for him and he can make the best working makeshift things from practically anything. He is one of my favorites because he ends up accomplishing allmost anything from mugger fights, to world class log throwing competitions, to sneaking (AKA drugging) guard dogs. And finally, in the end of every game he does, he kill the Evil Zombie Pirate Lechuck.

Peppe The headless zombie pirate racoon who eats sawdust: A not so mighty pirate that has nothing to do with Guybrush threepwood. He doesnt really do anything heroic intentionally, but rather just pops in at the right places with the right timing. Don't try to search him up, because he is an imaginary character my friend made up. He is one of my favorite because he a very funny character and he is A HEADLESS ZOMBIE PIRATE RACOON! HE EATS SAWDUST! HOW IS THAT NOT AWESOME?!

The Prince of Persia: A prince in Babylon from long ago who is very athletic and would count as a mighty pirate if he was a pirate. He is more of a ninja than a pirate though. He is very stealthy, can run off walls, up walls, jump 10 feet off of walls, do flips off and on poles, and is very skillful with weapons. However he has horrible luck and nothing really works that well for him. He is one of my favorite because of his athletic skill, his weapon skill, and he has a conscience that tells him the exact opposite that a normal conscience would and his conscience is really sarcastic.

Here is a Picture of Guybrush Threepwood

Here is a Picture of the Prince of Persia

Sadly the only picture of Peppe is one my friend made and I have no access to it


  1. These are some very intriguing characters. I'll look for the raccoon the next time it's a full moon.

  2. I was bored so I found your blog through Jovan's and this totally made my day. =D


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