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Monday, November 9, 2009

Hero project Reflection

I think a hero becomes a hero by following the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan. To do this, you do not need to be a scout. This is what the Scout Oath Law Motto and Slogan is.

Boy Scout Oath or Promise

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

Boy Scout Law

A Scout is:

and Reverent.

Boy Scout Motto

Be Prepared!

Boy Scout Slogan

Do a good turn Daily!

The Hero in my eyes project was about picking a hero and really noticing that there are other heros than just superheroes or the ones defined by the media. It took me a while about getting the concept that the hero needs a moment and the hero can't just be your hero just because, they need a moment. I learned that a hero is an opinion and everyone has a different opinion on a hero. I encountered the challenge of turning the papers in on time. What I would do differently next time is try harder to get the concept sooner. This will help me in any assignment I am given. I think I really took ownership for this project because I spent a lot of time making sure this project was good quality. Here is a link to the project. You can also reach it through my table of contents.
Hero Character Sketch

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hero Character Sketch


WHIIIIIIR! I walk into a room filled with the cutting of saws and the buzzing of machines ringing in my ears. I continue my quest to interview a man by the name of Greg Deering. I find a shadowy figure at the other end of a long, dark hallway. I walk closer and the man fades into view. He founded and owns a world famous banjo company known as Deering Banjos. He is somewhat loquacious and he always has alacrity to ameliorate any bad situations. He is a man who truckles to few and is very wise. He is tall and lanky. His hair is short and is slicked back close to his head. I get a glass of water from his scuttlebutt. I ask him a few questions while sipping away at my cup of water. This is what he said.
“Being awarded Scoutmaster of the Year made me feel good. I wondered if I really deserved it or not. Scouting itself is a success. Everything about it from the Scout Oath and Law, to the fun and leadership that comes from it. Because I own a banjo company, I don’t really get a lot of free time. However, there is an old saying that keeps me going. You are only as useful as you are of service to others. While I don’t get much free time, the job I do and the troop I help run is fun and I would consider it a good alternative to free time. Mr. Deering sits back and starts plucking a few notes on his favorite banjo.
In my mind I can see him at the campsite plucking notes on his banjo and talking about the swimming merit badge. I feel like the reason he deserved Scoutmaster of the Year wasn’t because he was more experienced or owned a famous banjo company. It was because of the fact that he follows the scout oath, law and slogan. When I was younger, I was terrified of the water and didn’t know how to swim. My brother and I sat there by the pool, just soaking our feet while all our friends were playing. They seemed like they were having a great time with everyone laughing and splashing each other. We sat there all alone with no one but each other. Tears started to form in my eyes. A cold breeze made me shiver as I started to cry. Then a tall figure that blocked out the sunlight and wind came up behind me. “What’s wrong boys? Why aren’t you swimming with the others. They look like they’re having fun,” he said.
“We can’t swim.” I sobbed.
“Everyone can do everything. It just depends on how hard you try. I promise you that next year, when you get into my troop, you’ll be the best 10 year old swimmers in the troop,”

One year came and one year went. My brother and I went into the troop and don’t you know that Mr. Deering was there with a huge grin on his face. For the next couple of months, Mr. Deering spent hours at his pool teaching us to swim. He was determined to make us swimmers because he made a promise. A scout is trustworthy and he keeps his promises.  Four months later, we had the swimming merit badge, first aid merit badge, and were working on the canoeing merit badge. He helped us with that too. 
Greg Deering stands up and sets down the banjo. He ruffles my hair and flashes a grin of white teeth then jokes, “Remember when you got your swimming merit badge? That was awesome. Now get out! I have work to do!”

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Literary Devices Story

Literary Devices Story

Catching the signal from one of her friends, Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting. She felt the Winter wind wave her hair. Her heart was a drumming band that played faster as her mind increased. She shuffled her feet as slowly as a feather falling to the ground. I can't believe I'm going through with this. she thought. She stopped and turned around back to her friends. She was lost in thought. Her friends gave her and encouraging nod to keep going. She kept walking toward him. She approached him. His eyes were dark, deep, crystal blue eyes. Ironically, despite their darkness, they became a raging inferno that lit up the night sky. His hair was shoulder length, black and center split. His bangs fell to the side of his head slightly covering up a scar that reached from his eyebrow to his hairline. He was propped up against a pillar that supported his weight easily. His legs stood side by side like husband and wife. "E-Excuse me?" Angela asked, "I was wondering if I could borrow the notes from humanities class that you took."
"Sure." He muttered while searching through his backpack. He pulls out a notebook and opens it to read it. Angela then sneaks a tracking device into his backpack. She thought All done. Now i just have to- "Are these what you were looking for?" He asked
"Yup thanks." She pretended to sound interested while looking through the notes. Now I just have to get back and pretend I'm studying. The reality is I'll be watching his every move. You can't escape now! She said to herself.
"Just bring them back in an hour." He said as she walked away. She sat next to her friends and opened to the first page of her book and started up the tracker.
"That's strange, I don't remember him being this nearby." She looked around for him and found him 100 yards away. She examined a note on the first page that said: 'You can keep the notes, it's an empty notebook. By the way you can keep the tracker too while your at it. I don't need it. - Exx :)'
She looked in her backpack only to find a familiar tracker that she remembered putting in his backpack.
Dang it! How did he put it back in my backpack without me noticing? On top of that, how did he know it was there in the first place? Okay stay calm everything is going to be all right. I just need to follow him so I can find out where he lives. I'll get you Exx!

The Number Zero

One thing that struck me is that so many places thought of zero around the same time. I don't think anyone discovers anything single-handedly.As a baby we figure out how to crawl from watching others and practicing. When we decide to try to discover things, part of the idea comes from someone else. So I conclude that no one discovered zero. I think the concept of zero was thought of first. The whole world discovered zero through curiosity and watching others.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Life Changing Experience

Kenan Millet
My Life Changing Experience

I was busted and the Scoutmaster came to have a conference with me in what we called the barn. As I walked with him up to the barn, I was pondering what would happen when it struck me like a bullet, I was going to leave N.Y.L.T. We finally arrived in the barn and I recognized the hours spent studying with vital information, challenging competitions, and shocking surprises. We talked abut the story for what seemed like hours. “Do you know we have a zero tolerance policy?” The Scoutmaster said.

“Yes.” I replied.

“And I assume you read the code of conduct.”


The tension in the room built up as we continued our conversation when the assistant scoutmaster came into the room. I then repeated everything that I said to the scoutmaster like a hammer pounding a nail. The scoutmaster and assistant scoutmaster decided that I make a choice between three hard options. “You have three options. One you have no consequences and stay at N.Y.L.T. Two, you have consequences, but stay at N.Y.L.T. Three, you leave N.Y.L.T and come back next year. “I guess I’ll leave N.Y.L.T.” I said, “If I stay, then the rules will mean nothing. This place has a zero tolerance policy and the rules clearly state no physical contact of any kind will be tolerated. If I stay, then the policy, the rules, and even the leadership that this training is based off of, will all be for nothing. It will have no purpose and every kid will receive the same messege that they can get away with punching kids.”

“If that is your decision then call your mom”, the assistant scoutmaster said. My hands started to sweat as I reached for the phone. My mind could not get over the fact that I was leaving N.Y.L.T. out of my mind. Every time it faded out, it blazed right back in reminding me what I did wrong. I was about to burst into tears from the experience. All the money that was paid, all the blood that was shed, all the effort put into it. Was all of it for nothing? No! I was not going to back down! I learned what I did at N.Y.L.T. and nothing is going to change that! I was driven to the entrance of N.Y.L.T. Brian, the Senior Patrol Leader of my troop and a very good friend was extremely upset about this. “Personally Kenan, I wish you chose something other than the third choice.” He said. With that, I drove off, my mom crying, Brian with his head bent in sorrow, and me filled with hate for myself, sorrow for myself, and full intention of returning burning in my heart. My last words were, “Make sure you visit sometime Brian. Make sure you tell Achynthia I’m sorry.” When life builds a wall in front of you that you can’t climb, you take the wall apart and make steps to a higher road. You turn adversity into advantage.
Word Count: 500

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Amphibious Poetry From Portugal

Amphibious Poetry From 
I hear the constant blabbering of all the logorrhea of 
unknown animals. Making squishing noises that reminds
me of feet stepping in thick mud puddles. Squish, sloop, 
and plop. They remind me of New York with their loud 
constant chattering. Its like they're having a contest to 
see who is the loudest idiot on the planet. To think that
some people can consider this sound room peaceful is 
disgraceful. This is worse than the sound weapon track. 
How someone could even imagine recording the three 
minutes of death that I have just sorrowfully heard. 
What's worse is that this place you can't describe as just
a bunch of animals squawking, croaking, and what 
appears to be some weird indescribable chirping like their 
life depended on it. No you have to notice each and every
single detail. From the low booming croaks of what I think
are frogs to the high murky, muffled gawks that who 
knows what is making. Personally, if I was there, I would 
sit with them and say, "You squaaaak are gwaaak 
annoying crooaak! Shut up moooooaaaaan riiibbbiitttt!".
This should become a Chinese torture method with the 
disastrous noises it makes. If you dare to listen to this 
noise, it is below however beware...

P.S. I do not really think this about this and don't mean to
offend anyone. If you take offense to this post, please
understand that this was just an exaggeration and I 
am sorry.

In case the sound thingy does not work, 
click here to go to the direct source 

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Solution To The Locker Problem

There are 31 lockers open and 969 are shut. This is because the lockers that are open are perfect squares. They are perfect squares because they have an odd amount of factors, The amount of factors a number has corresponds to the amount of times a locker’s state is changed. As an example, 8’s factors are 1, 2, 4, and 8. That means that the first, second, fourth, and eighth student will touch locker 8. A perfect square is the only type of number with an odd amount of factors because you only list its square root as one number. As an example, 16's factors are, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. 4 is the square root of 16 so it is only listed once.

The reason that the lockers do not change once their number is passed is because after the 16th kid finishes the 16th locker, no other kid from then on will touch the 16th locker. that is why when you look at the diagram below that the first locker stays the same and the second locker stays the same after the second kid. This is the same all no matter how high your numbers reach.

There is also a pattern to this: One locker is open, then the next two are shut, one open, four shut, one open, six shut, one open, eight shut...

Also there is an Interactive diagram at the bottom of the page. You should check it out.

Lockers 1-9



























































































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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Secret Life of Bees Directors Cut

Mr. Gaston shot me a warning look."We got a guard on her at the hospital, and hes not letting anybody see her, so you go on back home. You understand?"
"Yes sir. I'm going home." Going home for supplies. I thought.
 "You do that," he said. "'cause if I hear you've been anywhere near that hospital, I'm calling your daddy again."

Of course, I then went to the hospital. Luckily for me, the guard was off flirting with the nurse long enough for me to get in, tell Rosaleen the plan, and sneak out with perfect timing.I heard him say,"I get off at six o'clock.". As soon as I left the hospital, Rosaleen shouted in a very good mockery of my voice, "Are you serious Rosaleen? You could have gotten killed!" The guard then immediately called Mr. Gaston and told him that I was in the hospital. He slammed the phone down on the receiver and ran towards our room only to find that It was only Rosaleen who made that noise. Luckily for me, I heard Mr. Gaston calling T-Ray. "Yes, she was caught in the hospital and deserves to be punished severely. He hung up and now, at 5:45, was my chance for freeing Rosaleen. Brother Gerald was parked right outside. He zoomed off towards my house.
"Why are we leaving?" He asked.
"I forgot something I needed to get to Rosaleen."
"Well please try to hurry. I'm late for a preaching."

The car came to a halt and I hurried and got my supplies. I got back in the car and got to the hospital one minute before six o'clock. Brother Gerald drove off into the distance. Unfortunately for me, T-Ray was still here. I had one minute until the guard left. I successfully sneaked past T-Ray and hid behind the Hospital waiting for the guard to leave. Sadly, another guard was coming to take his spot. I walked quietly in sink behind the incoming guard. I was surprised to see that the guard who was leaving was to busy flirting with the nurse that he did not notice me. The new guard came to an abrupt stop almost causing me to bump into him. "I'm in trouble now." I thought. He turned and told the guard to leave. "I'll leave when I want to!"He shouted back. They got into and argument and I sneaked into Rosaleen's room.

I waited until the new guard took his seat. I took my screwdriver and took the screws out of its hinges. On the count of three, Rosaleen and I kicked the door down and as planned, The guard was knocked out. The nurse left with the old guard and so we were home free. We darted off into the night. We were free.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Order of Operations

  1. (2^[3(4+1)/5]+6-5)/3
  2. 8[(1+2-3)/4]+9^(1/2)
  3. 1+2x3+4+5=18

Posting Section

This is a place to post whatever you want whenever you want. Feel free to post as much as you want. Please no name calling or putting each others' comments down.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Favorite Superhero

My Favorite heros are:

  1. Guybrush Threepwood a mighty pirate
  2. Peppe The headless zombie pirate racoon who eats sawdust
  3. The Prince of Persia

Guybrush Threepwood: A "mighty pirate" who isn't that smart, isn't that strong, and isn't that skillful with weapons. But things somehow always work out for him and he can make the best working makeshift things from practically anything. He is one of my favorites because he ends up accomplishing allmost anything from mugger fights, to world class log throwing competitions, to sneaking (AKA drugging) guard dogs. And finally, in the end of every game he does, he kill the Evil Zombie Pirate Lechuck.

Peppe The headless zombie pirate racoon who eats sawdust: A not so mighty pirate that has nothing to do with Guybrush threepwood. He doesnt really do anything heroic intentionally, but rather just pops in at the right places with the right timing. Don't try to search him up, because he is an imaginary character my friend made up. He is one of my favorite because he a very funny character and he is A HEADLESS ZOMBIE PIRATE RACOON! HE EATS SAWDUST! HOW IS THAT NOT AWESOME?!

The Prince of Persia: A prince in Babylon from long ago who is very athletic and would count as a mighty pirate if he was a pirate. He is more of a ninja than a pirate though. He is very stealthy, can run off walls, up walls, jump 10 feet off of walls, do flips off and on poles, and is very skillful with weapons. However he has horrible luck and nothing really works that well for him. He is one of my favorite because of his athletic skill, his weapon skill, and he has a conscience that tells him the exact opposite that a normal conscience would and his conscience is really sarcastic.

Here is a Picture of Guybrush Threepwood

Here is a Picture of the Prince of Persia

Sadly the only picture of Peppe is one my friend made and I have no access to it

What is Mysics?

What Is Mysics?

Mys-ics[miz-iks] noun


1.  the combination of Math and Physics.

2.  an imaginary word created by Mele.
3.  a ninth grade class
Origin: Ms. Mele

Math is the measurement, of imaginary, real and unknown numbers, the substitution of things, and the basic fundamentals of understanding life.

Physis is what goes deeper into math and can use any math equation to figure out why, how, and where things will happen, have happened, and are happening.

For the true definitions of physics click here 

For the true definition of math click here 

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