The Time Travelers Project is a project where we had to build a contraption that would help out a given civilization in any time period of it's existence. My group was assigned Inca. We built a boat for the incans that can travel through it's rough mountain rivers, carry a lot of trade products, and help them escape from the Spanish.
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Monday, June 21, 2010
Time Travelers Project
Time Travelers Project
The Time Travelers Project is a project where we had to build a contraption that would help out a given civilization in any time period of it's existence. My group was assigned Inca. We built a boat for the incans that can travel through it's rough mountain rivers, carry a lot of trade products, and help them escape from the Spanish.

The Time Travelers Project is a project where we had to build a contraption that would help out a given civilization in any time period of it's existence. My group was assigned Inca. We built a boat for the incans that can travel through it's rough mountain rivers, carry a lot of trade products, and help them escape from the Spanish.
This I believe Essay
For the This I believe Essay, we were required to write a personal essay about what we believe.
For the This I believe Essay, we were required to write a personal essay about what we believe.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Evelyn Glennie: Shows How to Listen
A couple days ago, we watched a "TED Talks" video about a deaf person named that Evelyn Glennie taught people how to listen. Something that I noticed about her performance was that very small differences in pitches that may even be inaudible to the human ear can easily be felt. When she played the Marimba, she payed a song that made me feel energized. Her movements and the tone of the song helped create this feeling. One element of her performance was body movements. When she pretended to hit the keys on the Marimba, the audiance imagined notes, but nothing was played. Each person experiences music differently because each song can give someone a different feeling.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
John's Garden
On May 6, 2010, we visited a Garden which was founded by John and his senior class. A composter of the garden named Leland was interviewd by me and gave me a tour of the garden. In the garden they grow: Snapdragon, onion, cillantro, basil, eggplant, tomatoes, lemons, zucchini, lavender, strawberries, watermelons, bananas, squash, shard, and pumpkins. With these vegetables, they makes salads. They started tending to this garden a year ago every Wednesday and Thursday. This place used to be a promenade for the Navy Base. To get rid of pests they use ladybugs. Our visit to the garden showed me just how many things I can grow in my very own home. It was a fun visit and I enjoyed it.
Farmers' Market Visit

On May 2, 2010, My brother and I went to the Point Loma Farmers' Market in Liberty Station. There were many different types of foods and products there including: jams, fruits, spices, meal packages, popcorn, sweetener, hummus, salsa, and vegetables. There was a Mariachi band that danced until the Market closed. There was also a really cool Cockatoo that knew how to play catch and interact with you in a five minute conversation.
My Brother and I at the Farmers' Market.
At the Farmers' Market, I interviewed someone who was selling marinated olives. Al started selling olives here rather than at local stores a year ago because it is healthy and natural. He does not Garden at home because he has no room. His advice for all of you people who want to do what he does is, "Do what you like to do". We then went and bought some olives which were delicious.
Me Interviewing Al at the Farmers' Market
The location we visited was very cool. It had many stalls and many more visitors than I expected. What was interesting is that most of the venders had free samples. I thought it was interesting because that lowers their profit margin in what they sell. While everything we saw was in a reasonable price range, some were cheaper and more expensive than I expected. Jackies Jams were $5 per jar of jam. The jar's size was only about pint big, so it was a little expensive for it's size, but it turned out to be ten times better than any jam I would ever find at the store. The hummus we bought was $4 a canister, which was about the same price at the stores which is cheaper than I expected. We want to go to a Farmers' market whenever we can, but there are none in Spring Valley, thus we have to drive farther and spend more money on gas. Jackies Jams
However, with so many Farmers' Markets around the world, It is fairly easy to live sustainably.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Talk it out
After watching the movie, Food Inc. I interviewed my dad on what he thought of the movie.

- It made him feel helpless because he cannot change what he sees wrong with the food system that is controlled by about 4 companies.
- He agrees with the concepts of the movie and was convinced due to the compelling evidence that what they were saying was true.
- He can apply these concepts to the real world by shopping at Farmers Markets, Trader Joes, Fresh and Easy, not eating at fast food restaurants, and help change our food system by showing Food Inc. to everyone he knows.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dialectic Journal 4-19-10
"I mean, like, suppose you're studying tidal forces. You don't raise your hand to ask if it's true that crazy people tend to be crazier during the full moon."
This quote really struck me as interesting because it is very true. Most of the time, if you ask and off topic question, you will be looked at as if you are an outsider or you are crazy. You may also be looked at as if you were not paying attention to the topic. If you ask a question that the teacher has a hard time answering, you also will be shunned upon... This was very true at my old middle school.
This quote really struck me as interesting because it is very true. Most of the time, if you ask and off topic question, you will be looked at as if you are an outsider or you are crazy. You may also be looked at as if you were not paying attention to the topic. If you ask a question that the teacher has a hard time answering, you also will be shunned upon... This was very true at my old middle school.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Assassination of JFK - a fictional tragedy
Kenan Millet
January 31, 2010
Final Draft
The Assassination of JFK
Disclaimer: This story contains fictional material. Everything in this story is fictional except for the parts that are not. If family members of yours have died in Vietnam or the Bay of Pigs Invasion, this story is not for you.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was arguably the most beloved president in the United States since Abraham Lincoln. He was sworn into office on January 20, 1961 and was mysteriously assassinated November 22, 1963. He would have been re-elected in 1965 with no competition was it not for his tragic death. Was his assassination such a mystery? Let me tell you the real story. This is where it all began…
“You’re having an affair with Marilyn Monroe aren’t you?!” Jacqueline Kennedy, John’s wife, shrieked. As if his lips were locked shut and the key was at his feet, he just stared at the floor and said nothing. “Does this ring mean nothing? Does our marriage mean nothing to you?” Jacqueline continued. “Answer me John!” Still no reply came from John’s tightly sealed lips. “I can’t believe you! I want a divorce!” she said as she stomped away. Her feet were drums as they hit the floor creating a sound of anger and hatred. Dear God I screwed up! I hope this won’t ruin my chances of being re-elected in presidency. If the news media catches on to this, I’m as good as dead.
John got in his car and drove away to the bar, but he was unaware of another who was following him. “I’ll have a beer,” Kennedy sighed glumly.
“Sure the usual?” the bartender replied.
“No …”John answered as he thought about his beer. “Just give me the one with the most alcohol.”
“Rough day?” the bartender asked as he poured the beer into a glass as shiny as a diamond. No reply came out of John. He merely gulped his drink down and asked for another. Soon after Kennedy’s fifth glass of beer, a mysterious female figure wearing a trench coat walked into the bar. She looked to be in her mid 20’s. Her hair was wavy and bright like an ocean made of liquid gold. Her eyes were sparkling and shinier than Kennedy’s untouched glass, and her teeth were like pearls.
“Oh my god, it’s Kennedy!” she exclaimed, “Can I have your autograph?” she pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket. Not wanting to look glum for the girl, he pretended to cheer up and luckily had a pen in his pocket. He signed the paper without noticing what was on it, due to drunkenness and gloom. The drunken Kennedy handed back the freshly signed paper. “Wow! Thanks Mr. Kennedy!”
“Any time beautiful,” the two flirted over a few drinks for a while, and then John threw a $100 bill on the table and said, “I’ll walk you to your car”.
“Shoot! Someone stole my car! I can’t believe it!” she shrieked with rage and confusion gaping at the lacuna where her car used to be.
“I could give you a ride home…” he offered slurring his words
“Could you Mr. President?” she asked and added, “Thank you!” without waiting for a reply.
“Sure. By the way, what’s your name, love?” he inquired as he opened the car door.
“Melanie. Thanks Mr. Kennedy,” she climbed into the car.
“Please, just call me John,” he replied bumping his head on the car door.
Once on the road, Melanie pulled out the autograph. “Okay Mr. Kennedy-”
“John,” Kennedy interrupted not taking his eyes off the road.
“Fine okay John, now that no one can hear us, let’s get down to business. This autograph you signed is really a contract. Now here’s how it works: You do what The Organization says or catastrophes will happen to the Kennedy Family.”
“Hah! Good one!”
“I’m not kidding Mr. Kennedy. Look,” she indicated as she handed the contract over to John. John pulled over and stopped the car. “I’m serious Kennedy. I’m all business. We know your every move,” she assured as she handed him a picture of Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe kissing passionately. “We have some bedroom poses too.” Kennedy stared at Melanie’s face. He studied the expressionless stare in her unblinking eyes, her mouth that was straighter than a ruler’s edge. “You can keep the contract. It’s a copy and we have plenty of both don’t worry.”
Kennedy felt the tension that filled the car like a smoke bomb and stayed there like a wall. The darkness of the tenebrous night sky and rain created a shadow that loomed across Melanie’s face. Lightning streaked across her forehead accenting the seriousness in her eyes that was now obvious. Is she serious about this? She cannot be serious about this. The rain continued its increasing path from the clouds to the street. The lighting increased but Kennedy heard no thunder. Many cars passed by honking horns and splashing water but Kennedy did not hear the water hit the window like a hammer. He only heard himself. She is serious! Kennedy became uncomfortable in his position and tried to shift his position but fear kept him from moving an inch. The happiness of Kennedy’s drunken face melted away and the disturbed face of a sober man took its place. His eyes were wide open and unblinking as if he were choking on something. His mouth was open with his lips parted. What have I done? He thought to himself as he came to a realization of what was happening. “You can leave now Melanie,” he mumbled in a barely audible voice. She opened the passenger door and stepped out into the rain.
“Bye Mr. Kennedy! See you soon!” She waved and blew a kiss. John slammed the door and zoomed away into the stormy darkness…
RING RING RING “Ugh…” John mumbled as he woke up. Was I dreaming? he thought to himself. The throbbing of his head mixed with the slight swaying of the room and the ringing of the phone caused him to fall off his bed and onto the floor with a loud thud. “Who in god’s name could be calling at this time in the morning?” he spoke to himself. He rested his hand on the phone and just sat there for a few seconds. “Hello?” he said as he answered the phone.
“Rise and shine Mr. Kennedy!” a vaguely familiar voice replied through the phone. “You are going to have a busy day today.”
“Who is this? What business do you have telling me how busy my day will be?”
“It’s Melanie, silly,” she answered and everything came back to him like a ton of bricks. The word ‘Melanie’ rang in his head as if to concede he was not dreaming.
“Wait… how’d you get my private number?”
“I’m a powerful person Kennedy. Anyways, as you know, Castro took over Cuba and made it a Communist country. The Eisenhower Administration trained 1500 Cubans to start a revolution. You need to promise them support when the war starts and then give them no support so they die, okay?”
“And if I don’t?” a tired Kennedy thundered.
Melanie giggled. “Silly, you already know the answer to that.”
The room was hushed and became so silent you could hear a pin drop. After a heavy sigh he humbled, “Fine, what am I going to say to the people of the United States?”
“You’re a good public speaker. Use your imagination,” she hung up.
A lump was forming on the back of John’s head where it hit the floor. He laid there in a topor. What am I going to do? What am I going to say? I can’t just send those people to war knowing they will die can I? How am I to explain this to everyone? What will they think of me when their own president decides not to help his own men? Many questions ran through his head like a runner racing on a track. He thought about Melanie’s orders over the day. Unfortunately, the day came and went like a $100 bill lying on the sidewalk.
April 17, 1961, Kennedy ordered brigade 2506 to begin the revolution between Cuba and Castro known as The Bay of Pigs Invasion.
Kennedy assured the Cuban soldiers, “We’ll have your backs the whole time. If anything goes wrong, Castro and his men will be air striked off the face of the planet.” The American trained Cuban soldiers loaded up into airplanes and flew over to Cuba.
The next day, the Cuban soldiers requested backup and John denied the request as directed… “And so, we are not going to help brigade 2506 in their revolution. Thank you,” Kennedy concluded behind the podium in front of millions of people.
“He means it!” remarked Forest Gump who was standing right behind him.
Two days after the war started, Brigade 2506 was killed off and Communism remained in Cuba.
RING RING, RING… “Hello?” Kennedy answered.
“Hi Mr. Kennedy.”
“Oh. It’s you,” he grimaced in a mundane monotone.
“I need you to start a war with Vietnam. The organization has already spread false news around to start riots and now you have a great reason to go to war! This is child’s play you can’t mess up!”
And so the Vietnam War began and Kennedy sent 800 soldiers to Vietnam. He then increased the amount from 800 to 16,300 soldiers. Many young men were drafted and killed for reasons only known by The Organization.
RING RING John’s phone rang. “Hello?” he asked wondering who was there.
“Okay Mr. Kennedy, Our war with Vietnam is doing great. Now we need you to develop Communism in our Country. This will make it easier to control the people”
“Never!” John interrupted, “I am not going to stand aside and lead my country to its downfall!”
“Oh but you already have, Mr. Kennedy. Besides you’re still under contract.”
“I’ve had enough! More than 200,000 people died in a revolution to make this a free country and I as one man am so scared that I am willing to destroy it for my life? I will not be the one to destroy 185 years of hard work and effort!” Kennedy’s veins were popping out of his head. They were vines as they climbed across his face. He was sweating a pool. His eyes were like a grease fire fueled with anger. His hands were clenched in fists of rage. He could feel the cool air rush across his tightly vice gripped fingers. He could no longer hear the menace speaking through the phone. He could see the downfall of his country flash before his eyes. He could smell pure evil across the other line. His country was so close to its doom, he could taste it. Kennedy slammed the phone in its receiver.
“… I know I have done some bad things, lead our country to some bad times, and I am sorry for that. I have a new resolve to make this country better in any way possible. I am talking of the many soldiers who gave their lives for our country. I am speaking for the many presidents who strived to improve our country. I am speaking for the Purple Mountains Majesty! I am speaking for America! I am speaking for our founding fathers who founded this country! I am saying Let Freedom ring! I am going to pull our soldiers out of Vietnam! I am going to abolish the Federal Reserve that has turned our country’s economy to mush. We need to have a gold standard. I am going to help the Cuban’s get their country back! Thank you.” The crowd erupted into a riot of applause.
The Organization was not pleased with John F. Kennedy’s plan of action. On November 22, 1963, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated by the Organization in Dallas, Texas, at 12:30 p.m. He was inside his 1961 Lincoln Continental limousine with its convertible top down and was got shot twice to the head and chest. Everyone was appalled at why someone would do such a thing. Some people ran up to the car only to be pushed back by security. This assassination devastated the people there. It devastated the country. Most of all, it devastated Kennedy’s family. Jacqueline Kennedy, who was sitting next to him, saw the first bullet hole and her eyes went wide open like a door of a trap trapping its guest. Her guest was fear. Fear was trapped inside her. Her hands trembled as she rushed herself closer to Kennedy and hugged him. Her last words before his death were, “I love you John.” The people of the United States did not know how to move on after this event for a great while. The country went into an emotional depression. The vice president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, was sworn into office, but it did not replace Kennedy. It didn’t fill the remaining list of things to do. It did not wash away the tears of the United States or the Kennedy Family.
Since this tragic incident, the Organization hasn’t allowed any of the Kennedy family into the presidency. One of Kennedy’s brothers, Robert Francis Kennedy (Bobby Kennedy), was also shot. His other brother, Edward Moore Kennedy (Ted Kennedy), was killed, and Kennedy’s son, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. was killed in a so called ‘airplane accident’. And so the Kennedy Family Curse holds true to this day.
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Monday, January 11, 2010
Article 2 (mysics)
Wow this is like preparing for Math Science Media Monday. Hey I could use this for my Math Science Media Monday. Basically, towers that would normally have internet connection or cellular connection, now have television too so you can now watch all the channels you could on TV but on your cell phone or laptop etc.
You should care about this topic because it is a major advancement because you can now watch TV any time any place and with no interruptions. They are now selling these USB antennae that allow you to do such an amazing thing. A setback is that it only works with USB ports and not all devices can use it.
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Article 1 (mysics)
Basically, in the medicine field, a drug maker, Eli Lilly, plans to lower the cost of drugs by one billion when 2011 comes, but will need to cut 5,500 jobs. This is a big deal in both good and bad ways. I will lower the price of drugs majorly. However it will also make 5500 people jobless and thus moneyless. As far as I know, nothing is in the way of this topics success.
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Time Travelers Essay and Pillar Relections
For the Time Travelers Project, we had to write a 1.5-2.5 page essay about a topic on a civilization. I also had to paint a section of a pillar describing my pillar in an artistic way. My topic was Science and Technology of Inca.
On my painting, I tried (and failed) to get it to look like a quintuple exposure (5 related pictures faded onto a background). In stead It looked like a mess since I was doing it in black and white on paper. So I revised it into sections that I thought looked somewhat creative. After painting, It ended up looking like this.
I learned how to use TES transitions in my essays and how not to do a quintuple exposure. A challenge I encountered was trying to make a quintuple exposure. Next time I would probably choose a different subject other than science and technology because I like to try new things. This project will help me later when I write an essay in later grades.
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Semester Goals for Humanities
- Find ways to apply words of the day in my everyday speaking First Step: Try to at least use one word a day.
- Improve how I organize my work. First Step: Get dividers for my binder and put work in my binder rather than in my backpack.
- Increase my use of literary devices like focus, showing not telling, and sensory detail First Step: Look at my old work, my current work and others work and think about how I could improve by seeing examples.
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Semester Goals for Mysics
- Find ways to apply what I learn in school to the outside world. First Step: Ask Mele what the math I am learning is used for.
- Improve how I organize my work. First Step: Get dividers for my binder and put work in my binder rather than in my backpack.
- Show my work more often. First Step: Write what is going on in my head as it happens.
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